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Watch Brotherhood Of Blood Online Metacritic

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 for Play. Station 3 Reviews. Terrible game even the first one sucked along with Mirror of Fate which is even sadder that those two titles got a chronicle pack and the 3ds one Mirror of Fate got an HD release. I don't know what they where smoking to come up with this it I mean I do like new gamplay, but not like this. I may only have played the first one yet this one gets boring as fast as the other one in combat.

So here is how it goes the main story has a Belmont named Gabriel who becomes Dracula and is the new lord of darkness who is the hero of the game. Apparently it starts off with the brotherhood breaking down his door at the start and he ends up having to fight them off with his vampire like powers which he uses a blood like whip lash, chaotic powers, and a void sword. So after that he fights a giant titan after figthing a gold like angel knight or something and destroys the titan by puking up blood on the crystal. So after he takes down the titan the golden knight angel guy tries to make a prayer after fighting Dracula (aka Gabriel if you forgotten) on a cross as he does Dracula grabs it and makes the same prayer. When Dracula does a huge explosion happens and all the brotherhood knights nearby are killed. Then out of nowhere Alucard shows up (aka Trevor Belmont who was killed by his father and then resurrected in Mirror of Fate) he apparently ties with the story ending there without what happens making oh a plot.

So you wake up in an abandoned church in what I am assuming is Europe I don't know its hard to tell. So you do a boring short walk out of the church after a flash back from the first game which doesn't tie in with the story and is completely pointless. It also is never mentioned again in the game and serves no purpose. So after he leaves the church weak as crap apparently he sees an image of his son and follows him down an alley way.

This would have been great if he got in a fight with thugs and used them to heal up his strength, but no he gets the **** beat out of him by a monster that appears and nearly kills him. When about to die he gets saved by some guy in armor with a familiar sword which gives an obvious hint to who the guy in the armor is. Watch Waiting For Superman Online Freeform. So he wakes up somewhere murders and drains the blood of three humans a father, mother, and a son. Then he meets Zobek who says he needs his help (You know the guy who was the third Lord of Shadows and betrayed Gabriel before in the first game now they are working together) to stop these guys called the acolytes which are planning to take over the world and Satan would make Dracula and Zobek his personal pets as he says. So Zobek claims to have found the Vampire Killer which said to end his life permanently (Which is not explained too well and also FYI Dracula usually comes back after 1.

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You know what I will make it short and simple to skip the boring details or somewhat like that quick and simple. Dracula goes and is followed by trails of blood which is his darker side of him who fights later, and he has to gather items and weapons to gain his powers back. Meets his servants who are possessed by the evil side of him. Have to save a city cause there is this acolyte who wants to turn people into monsters, and having these kinda of future englishmen soldiers fight them shooting them with machine guns. Sneaks in to a base to get a cure with the most crappiest sheath system and use it on the acolyte which doesn't cure, but instead makes him more stronger fighting her to the death. Meets and fights Victor Belmont and then watches him die which was the most moment killing scene ever in the series of the games.

Fights Carmilla, Toy Maker, Frankenstein, and Pan (The guy he killed when Pan became the Silver Warrior angel think which was a difficult boss fight). Discovers that the armored guy is his son Alucard and knows the truth of what happened to him for real (Which is not surprising). Watch Home Sweet Home Online here.

Fights Zobek the guy who betrayed him and also lied about ending Dracula's life to put him to rest. Final and worst fight of the game you fight Satan again, but this time he looks like the lead singer of Dethklok, and has leggings which looked like the ones from the manga and anime Devilman. But wait he doesn't fight Satan, but his son who gets possessed by Satan and he uses Vampire Killer on Satan to finish him with even though the whip in the series says it can not be used by vampires or creatures of the night some how works and kills Satan again.

Well his son is knocked out which Dracula uses his own blood to revive him and they both stare off into the sunset which is not very memorable. Bottom line game mechanics gets old, the story is broken and really sucks, shows they put no work hardly into it like Castlevania Judgement, and hopefully they never make more sequels to this game that would be like this. Save your money folks!