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By Wes Modes Originally published in Might magazine, October 1994. What to Worry About. Safety is a big deal on the railroad. It is real easy to get good and hurt. ★★★ My Faster Pc Review ★★ Fix, Clean, Repair # [ MY FASTER PC REVIEW ] & Improve Its Performance! SPEED Up Your PC - Free Scan Now! (Recommended). The lightsaber, sometimes referred to as a laser sword, was a weapon used by the Jedi, the Sith.

Lightsaber Wookieepedia FANDOM powered by Wikia. Lightsaber. Manufacturer"This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster. An elegant weapon for a more civilized age."―Obi- Wan Kenobi[src]The lightsaber, sometimes referred to as a laser sword, was a weapon used by the Jedi, the Sith, and other Force- sensitives. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was emitted from a usually metal hilt.

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Watch A Dangerous Method Dailymotion

It was a weapon that required skill and training, and was greatly enhanced when used in conjunction with the Force. Though also used by the Sith, the lightsaber was synonymous with the Jedi, with some in the galaxy believing only Jedi used lightsabers. Lightsabers were generally used for both offense and defense. A lightsaber could cut through virtually anything, from enemies to blast doors. The only ways to block the incoming attack of a lightsaber was with a weapon made with material that conducts energy, such as an electrostaff, Z6 riot control baton, some rare metals or simply another lightsaber. When used defensively, a Force- sensitive could deflect blaster bolts with a lightsaber, and with skill, could even reflect the shots back toward the shooter or some other target. Experienced Jedi could even employ their lightsabers to absorb Force lightning.

Most practitioners used one single- bladed lightsaber, though some used double- bladed lightsabers or even multiple lightsabers at once. Lightsaber combat was divided into seven Forms: Form I, Form II, Form III, Form IV, Form V, Form VI and Form VII. Though it is unknown when the first lightsaber was created, it is known they were in use thousands of years before the age of the Republic, in the Great Scourge of Malachor. They were also used in the Battles of Rashfond and the Peacekeeping of Parliock. Lightsabers took on a more prominent role in galactic affairs as the Clone Wars came to pass.

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Jedi, previously peacekeepers, became Jedi Generals of the Grand Army of the Republic, and thus began using their lightsabers more often than they had in their role of peacekeeping. As the Clone Wars ended, and the Jedi Purge took place, lightsabers became a rarity in the galaxy, as the Jedi who once used them were greatly reduced in number and did not use their weapons as often for fear of drawing attention. For the majority of the reign of the Empire, the only lightsaber that was prominently used was that of Darth Vader, and, in its waning years, that of Luke Skywalker.

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After the Empire was defeated, Luke began training a new generation of Jedi. These, however, were massacred by Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren, once again leading to a time where the only prominent lightsaber user was a darksider. Mechanics and specifications. Edit. Mechanics. Edit.

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The inner workings of Kylo Ren's lightsaber. Metal was usually chosen to make up the hilt, but a casing carved from the Brylark tree, wood that is strong as metal, would also work.[1.

Some hilts were even crafted of gems.[2. The weapon drew power from an appropriately- sized power cell.[2. Parts that would work to make a lightsaber include modulation circuits and an energy gate. Ones that were necessary include a blade emitter shroud, the emitter matrix and some type of activator to turn the weapon on and off. Other parts that could be added include handgrip ridges and a blade length adjuster.[2. Some lightsabers also featured a non- lethal low- power setting used for training.[2.

Single- bladed lightsabers usually had a belt ring so they could be hung from a belt hook, or a wheel- shaped attachment that slotted into a matching belt clip on the owner's belt when not in use.[2. During assembly, it was important to not accidentally invert the emitter matrix; when improperly activated the lightsaber's power grid would backfire. At best this could cause the blade to quickly short out, but if left on the faulty weapon would violently explode, potentially killing those in close proximity.[1. Specially designed lightsabers could even use unstable crystals, such as Kylo Ren's lightsaber, which featured two laterally facing vents designed to divert excess energy away from the cracked crystal and keep the lightsaber stable.[2. On the aquatic planet of Mon Calamari, the Jedi Kit Fisto, Obi- Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano were all able to use their lightsabers underwater with no ill effects, although whether this was a standard feature of the weapon or a later adjustment is unknown. Whilst in areas of low light, a lightsaber could easily function as a light source, demonstrated by Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Masters Yoda and Obi- Wan Kenobi, and Savage Opress. Cutting Power. Edit"It's heavier than I thought.""Energy constantly flows through the crystal.

You're not fighting with a simple blade as much as you are directing a current of power."―Sabine Wren and Kanan Jarrus on the Darksaber[src]Qui- Gon Jinn using his lightsaber to cut through one of the Saak'ak's blast doors. The power of the energy blade was so great that it could cut through almost anything. One important note about lightsaber wounds is that they rarely bled profusely, even when a limb had been severed. This is because the energy blade cauterized the wound as it passed, and thus even a severe wound did not tend to bleed heavily.[source?]Lightsaber- resistant materials. Edit. Aside from the blade of another lightsaber, there were rare materials that could withstand a lightsaber blade. Zillo Beast hide could deflect lightsaber strikes, but this material was exceedingly rare due to the species' extinction. Variations. Edit.

Luke Skywalker's first lightsaber. Standard lightsaber. The standard lightsaber consisted of a straight hilt approximately 2. As it is the standard make, it has no defining features other than details on individual hilts, as each weapon is often self- fabricated by the wielder and customized to suit their specifications.

Darth Maul's double- bladed lightsaber. Double- bladed lightsaber. Also referred to as saberstaffs, double- bladed lightsabers consisted of a single hilt that projected a blade from both ends, resulting in a deadly staff- like weapon. Most saberstaff hilts were of increased length, as they usually consisted of two separate lightsabers connected at the pommels. The Grand Inquisitor's double- bladed spinning lightsaber. Double- bladed spinning lightsaber.

Similar to the saberstaff, these weapons could emit a blades from each end of the hilt. Unlike a saberstaff, however, the hilt was as long as a single- bladed lightsaber, with a circular rim that, when activated, could spin the blades along a track.

Kylo Ren's crossguard lightsaber. Crossguard lightsaber. An ancient design dating back to the Great Scourge of Malachor, a crossguard lightsaber consisted of a standard blade with two shorter blades perpendicular to it at the end of the hilt. Darth Tyranus's curved- hilt lightsaber. Curved- hilt lightsaber.

Curved- hilt lightsabers were of a design which featured a hilt with a built in curve. This was usually done to allow the hilt to fit better into the palm, facilitating the use of one- handed fighting styles such as Form II, or to provide variable blade angle to confuse opponents. Ezra Bridger's lightsaber pistol.

Lightsaber pistol. This weapon was essentially a single bladed lightsaber with an attachment that allows it to fire blaster bolts. Only one example is known to have existed. Jedi Temple Guard lightsaber pike.